Meet Dr. Tiffany Anderson

Psychological Expert with Southern Charm

Tiffany Anderson, PsyD, BCBA

Tiffany Anderson, PsyD, BCBA comes from a lot of places. Throughout her life, she has enjoyed the deep roots of New Orleans culture, the bright lights of Las Vegas and Los Angeles, and even the warm dry air of Arizona. While following her love of performing as a Meisner trained actress, she continued to pursue knowledge and took a variety of classes that interested her. Loyola University New Orleans equipped her with the knowledge, and the local psychiatric hospital gave her firsthand experience with how to effectively support individuals and families living with a mental health diagnosis. Fueled by a deep desire for genuine connection and a belief in the transformative power of human bonds, Dr. Anderson became a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT). However, the large, impersonal healthcare companies left her yearning for a more intimate and collaborative approach. Her mission? To build meaningful relationships with families and empower them to thrive. 

The bright lights of the theater once held Dr. Anderson’s gaze, her Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of New Orleans a testament to her early passion. While applause still resonated in her heart, a quieter symphony – the call to embrace vulnerability and cultivate personal growth – beckoned her back to the classroom. Dr. Anderson’s journey led her to clinical psychology. Driven by a mission to transform the landscape of mental healthcare, she created Anderson Behavior Group, a beacon of personalized care and evidence-based treatment. Today, The Anderson Centers stand as a testament to her vision, where compassionate expertise meets innovative approaches, partnering with families on a journey of strengthening and growth.

Dr. Anderson celebrates breakthroughs for patients, families, and staff, her nurturing touch lighting up every relationship she forges. She embraces each child as an individual, meeting every parent where they stand without reservation. Her compassion shines a warm spotlight, drawing individuals into a welcoming circle where uncharted waters become a shared stage, navigated with familiar reassurance and unwavering dedication.